" It's the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter. "

It's the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter. - Marlene Dietrich
The picture to the left is of a hand painted Ogham Script, the word written is Friendship. Ogham is an ancient script dating to roughly the first century, based on an older script 'leaf' script. It was usually carved into stone, standing stones with Ogham inscriptions can be found all over the Irish countryside.
Friendship means a lot to me, I have been blessed with the most wonderful friends. Most people are lucky if they can count their true friends on one hand. I need two hands to count mine. The Marlene Dietrich quote above is funny, but true, a true friend is someone you can call at any time day or night and know they will be there for you no matter what. I endeavour to be as good a friend as I can to others. When I look back over the years I lose count of the number of times my true and closest friends have been there for me when I most needed them. I can honestly say I have never been alone in an hour of need.
I felt the need to speak of friendship today for a reason. Two of my closest friends, a wonderful loving, caring couple, fantastic parents, and friends that are as close to me as my own family, have been going through a terrible ordeal for the second time. They mean so much to me I want to be there for them as they have been for me whenever I've needed them, but in this I am helpless. Two and a half years ago, this couple had a son ,born after only 26 weeks pregnancy. Terribly premature, I won't go into details but you can imagine no doubt the fear, the pain and trials they suffered. This little guy however surprised everyone, parents, friends and doctors alike, he took after his father and was quiet a little fighter. He is two and half now, a constant joy to be around, highly intelligent and sings from dawn to dusk. I Can't describe how wonderful it is to see him bouncing around, or to hear him reciting tolkien's songs, yes I said Tolkien. He knows some of the songs from the Lord Of the Rings books, as I said, highly intelligent.
In the early hours of Monday morning, 16th, they have had another son, born once again 2 and half months premature. The same as his older brother. Life can be so unfair, how such torment can be cast on

In the faintest glimmerings, of light before the dawn,
'Neath the shadow of the Holy Cross, looking down above Clonmel,
Impatient in the womb, out came an leanbh bán,
Made his entrance to the world, with sound of alarm and bell,
A show man, an attention seeker, a little boy not shy,
Brave but tiny Cirdan, made not a wail nor cry.
Two leagues to the north, of the dolmen at Knockeen
Stands the city home to Maeghar, where first they flew the flag,
Twas here that Cirdan journeyed, through forest and boreen,
The Morrigan close behind him, he faced down banshee and hag,
Sheilded and Safe was he, from such divilments as those,
Cerridwyn stood between her namesake, and any of his foes.
So I write these words for Cirdan, a fighter born and bred,
Though the tale is yet unfinished, his future yet unsure,
Cirdan the Blessed Poet, now lies upon his bed,
Dreaming ancient dreams, on the banks of the river Suir,
My thoughts are with you Cirdan, as they are with your parents,
sláinte mhaith ar leanmh sin, and a cure for all your ailments.
By Concúbhair O' Numaín
*The second Picture is of the original Brigid's Well in Kildare (Brigid the Celtic Goddess not the Saint)
Love the poem :-)
I know the feeling of being helpless when a friend is in trouble (one of the occasions I've felt like this was about you, last year). But from my experience, people draw strength from the KNOWLEDGE that there is someone there that they could "call at 4 am", and that's what helps them get through the hard times - not just the things a friend can actually DO for them.
May the little guy be healthy!
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